
Welcome to my blog. Click the headings below to read.

The Outdoors.

“Deep down, at the molecular heart of life, the trees and we are essentially identical.” 
Carl Sagan


When you look at Japanese traditional architecture, you have to look at Japanese culture and its relationship with nature. You can actually live in a harmonious, close contact with nature – this is very unique to Japan. Tadao Ando


It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”
― Henry David Thoreau

Food and Drink.

“Food is everything we are. It’s an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It’s inseparable from those from the get-go. ― Anthony Bourdain


“”It’s an irritating reality that many places and events defy description. Angkor Wat and Machu Picchu, for instance, seem to demand silence, like a love affair you can never talk about. For a while after, you fumble for words, trying vainly to assemble a private narrative, an explanation, a comfortable way to frame where you’ve been and whats happened. In the end, you’re just happy you were there – with your eyes open – and lived to see it.”” Anthony Bourdain


“You can be seen by various people in different ways, and no one person, not even your parents, can really see the whole of who you are. So it’s about finding all the different people you can love, and seeing the positivity each of them brings to your life.” Ayisha Malik


“So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install a lovely bookshelf on the wall.” ― Roald Dahl